Monday, May 2, 2011

Shout Out to a Friend!

I would like to invite everyone to view my friend's blog. It is much more interesting than mine since I have not done much at all! She has great advice from wine reviews, make-up reviews and much more. Like coupons? She has a load of info on that too! Also, she has awesome giveaways!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Great White........

SHARKS?? No.....

Northern Beans!

I believe I will make bean soup and corn bread for dinner tomorrow. It is one of the few dishes my boyfriend will eat. This has nothing to do with my cooking skills, I am a great cook. He is very picky! His sweet, loving grandma spoiled him rotten as a child. He ate bacon, or made to order pancakes nearly every meal. I can't imagine how much his mom loved that...NOT. I'm just glad he has a high metabolism.

So, off to soak the beans then to bed where I'm hoping sweet dreams envelop me.

I'll try to remember to post a recipe tomorrow. Brand new to this blog thing. Curious if I can keep up.

Until then, remember life is what you make it.